Monday, December 15, 2008

So Why Am I Doing This???

Well that's a good question to ask, and to be quite honest, I'm not even sure what the answer to that question is. Before I started this blog, I asked myself that question, "What Do I Feel that I Have to Say?" And the answer to that question was, "I feel that I have a lot of experiences and knowledge about life in general that I can share with people." I guess I've always felt as if my life experiences could help people with their situations, whatever they may be. I also find that whenever I give people advice, sometimes they listen and sometimes they don't. But it has been a recurring trend that when someone doesn't take my advice, they end up wishing that they had, and when they do take it, they are always coming back for more.

I'm only 18, so obviously I'm not saying that I've had all the life experience that there is to have. And I'm definitely not saying that I know everything. I will however say that I've had a good deal of life experiences, both good and bad, and I've always seemed to come out on the fortunate end. In no way am I trying to tell anyone how they should live their lives, but I do think that many people could learn something from the things that I've learned. Who knows? Maybe I'll even change your life! :)

So...Here Goes!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog.
    I love the tone in the beginning, very engaging.
