Monday, December 15, 2008

Be The Best You That You Can Be

So I'm one of those people who is an absolute perfectionist when it comes to things regarding my own person. I believe that with everything I do, whether it concerns my grades, my physical appearance, or my music, that I have to do it in an impeccable manner, and I believe that we all should be like that. On a day to day basis I see people who are going through life never feeling good enough...for anything. And I think that in most cases, their problem is that they never feel good enough for themselves. I'm not sure exactly where this comes from, but I am sure as to how it can be fixed. SEE TITLE. That's right, we all should strive to be the best person that we can possibly be, and this goes for EVERYTHING that we do.

First, I think that at some point we all have to realize that we are not living our lives to satisfy other people. Being the best YOU possible is all about satisfying yourself. Once you are satisfied with who you are, everything else will surely fall into place.

Take me for example. Over the past few years I've grown to be a fitness and health fanatic in the pursuit of obtaining the best possible physical appearance. This sounds superficial until you understand my motivations. In no way am I trying to get a hot bod to impress other people or attract girls, I want to a hot bod to impress myself. Just knowing that I'm working to have the best physical appearance possible for me, is all the satisfaction that I need. Like I said, I'm a perfectionist and my physical pursuits are all about how I feel about myself, not about how other people feel about me. This is one of the reasons that I'm inspired by models so much. They work so hard to maintain their amazing bodies and it's not an easy thing to do. Yes, they do what they do for their job, but it's so much more than that. When someone like a model is that dedicated to their appearance in a healthy way, their motivation comes not just from knowing that they will look good in front of the whole world, but it really comes from them knowing that they will look good in front of themselves when they are at home alone, and they look in the mirror.

This is key. What it comes down to is how we feel about ourselves and how we see ourselves when we look in the mirror. If when you look in the mirror, you love the person that you are or the person that you are becoming, GREAT! You know exactly what I'm taking about. But if when you look in the mirror and you don't like the person staring back at you, or you notice something about yourself that could be better...CHANGE IT! And don't stop until the good is great and the better is best.

This, I believe is one of the ways that we find true happiness. We have to find it within ourselves. This is why I say Be the Best you That You Can Be. If you know that you're being your absolute best, you're guaranteed to love who you are.

1 comment:

  1. Well, what happened was I had my account and blog for about a half a year. But I never wrote in it the way I wanted to so I just deleted all the entries in the blog.

    Then when I saw yours, I got reminded that I still had mine and started back up.
